February 16, 2025

Darren Riel

Future Focused

Boost Productivity When You Work From Home


Working from home is an exciting prospect. But it’s not always easy to get work done when you’re in your pajamas and surrounded by the chaos of living with other people. You need to establish a routine that will help you stay productive and focused on the job at hand.

Set a schedule for yourself.

Setting a schedule for yourself is one of the most important things you can do to stay productive when working from home. Your schedule will help keep you on track and ensure that all of your tasks are completed in a timely manner.

Set aside specific times each day for work, family time, friends and personal activities so that they don’t get mixed up or neglected altogether. If there’s anything else left over at the end of each day (or week), use this time as “bonus” hours where you can catch up on other things such as cleaning around the house or running errands if needed!

Make a to-do list.

Making a to-do list is an essential part of being productive. It’s also something that can be easily overlooked, but once you start using them regularly, they’ll become second nature.

The benefits of making a to-do list are numerous:

  • You’ll have an easy way to organize your tasks and prioritize what needs to get done first.
  • You won’t forget any important steps in completing any project or task at hand.
  • It encourages productivity by giving you concrete goals for the day (or week).

Set up an office.

When you’re working from home, it can be easy to get distracted by the endless possibilities for procrastinating. The best way to avoid this is by setting up an office space where you can work without being bothered by distractions.

If possible, set aside a room in your house that has no other purpose besides being an office (keep in mind that many landlords won’t allow this). If there are no rooms available and you must share space with family members or roommates, try setting up shop in a corner of the house where people won’t constantly be passing through. This will help keep them out of your hair while still allowing them access if they need something from you!

The first thing every good home-based business needs is its own dedicated desk–and preferably one with plenty of storage space underneath for filing cabinets and boxes full of papers related to previous projects or clients/customers’ information (but make sure not too much stuff gets lost!). Next comes chairs: make sure yours is comfortable enough so that when someone sits down next time they’ll feel relaxed even though he hasn’t had any coffee yet…then again maybe nobody does anymore because caffeine isn’t good for health? Anyway just get yourself one anyway because otherwise things might get awkward later when we’re all old together 🙂 . Last but certainly not least comes computer setup – set up wireless connection so we don’t have cords everywhere cluttering up workspace while also providing internet access at all times without having power cords plugged into outlets nearby either since those could cause safety hazards if walked across barefoot.”

Keep your workspace distraction-free.

  • Turn off your phone.
  • Close the door.
  • Keep your workspace clean, with no clutter or messes around you that can be distracting and make you feel like you have to clean them up before getting to work (or else).
  • Don’t keep food around–it’s hard enough to focus when hungry, but it’s even harder when there’s tempting snacks within arm’s reach!

Take breaks when you need to.

It’s important to take breaks when you need them. You might think that taking a break will make you less productive, but in reality it can help improve your overall focus and productivity. When you take a break from work, it gives your mind time to rest and recharge so that when you get back into work mode again, it will be easier for you to focus on what needs doing next.

When taking breaks:

  • Get up from where ever your desk is located (if possible). Moving around helps keep blood flowing through the body which helps prevent fatigue or headaches associated with sitting at one spot for too long without moving around at all during this time frame.* Take 5 minutes away from whatever task was being worked on before going back into focusing entirely on completing said task again later on down in order not lose any momentum gained while working earlier.* During these 5 minute periods try something completely unrelated like reading news articles online or watching some YouTube videos related only loosely if at all related topics covered previously by those same sources–this prevents burnout caused by focusing too long

Maintain good posture.

Maintaining good posture is essential to your health, but it can be difficult to do when you’re sitting at a desk all day. Bad posture can lead to pain and injury, so it’s important that you maintain proper alignment and learn how to sit properly.

Here are some tips:

  • Keep your feet flat on the floor, with knees at 90-degree angles (or as close as possible). Your back should be straight, with shoulders down and relaxed. Tuck in lower ribs so they don’t protrude over upper ribs; this helps keep the spine aligned from top to bottom without causing unnecessary strain on muscles or ligaments near joints like hips or shoulders.* Don’t slouch forward; instead, sit up tall with chest lifted slightly so shoulders aren’t rounded forward either.* Make sure that keyboard/mouse tray is at elbow height when typing–this will help prevent wrist strain!

Work from home, but don’t work all day!

You may be working from home, but that doesn’t mean you have to work all day. If you’re not careful, it’s easy to slip into a routine of eating lunch at your desk and staying in pajamas all day long. If this sounds familiar–and if so, congratulations on being so productive!–it might be time for some changes.

  • Don’t work all day: Instead of spending 12 hours straight at your computer (or laptop), try setting an alarm for when about four hours have passed and then taking a break. Go walk around outside for 20 minutes or so; grab lunch somewhere else than at your desk; go chat with friends online over coffee; watch some TV; do anything other than sit still and stare at screens until it feels like every muscle in your body has been replaced by sharpened pencils being jabbed into every nerve ending simultaneously.*
  • Don’t stay in pajamas: When I get dressed each morning before leaving the house for work (which I almost always do), I’m usually wearing jeans or khakis with either sneakers or boots depending on what kind of weather we’re having that day–and nothing else besides maybe my watch if needed! But when I get home after being out all day long during my normal 9-5 gig? Well then comes time for another outfit change before sitting down again…and sometimes even another one after dinner too!


Working from home is a great way to boost productivity, but it’s not the end-all be-all. It can be easy to get caught up in our phones and computers, so make sure you take time out of each day for yourself!